Mohamed Ramadan plays "Sadat" in the series "Kareoka"

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  • 08:07 AM - 11 September 2011
  • 1 photo

Ever since actor Mohamed Ramadan started his acting career, and people are amazed at the resemblance between him and the legendary Ahmed Zaki. The resemblance could be in looks or roles that are chosen for him to play or even style of acting.There is yet another resemblance in the fact that he will portray the role of late president “Anwar El Sadaat” in the series “Kareoka”, a role that Ahmed Zaki had also portrayed in the past.The series “Kareoka” is a biography of the late Egyptian legendary actress Taheya Kareoka. Her life story ever since she started acting in the late forties all the way till the mid nineties, and all the social, political and economical influences that affected her character. “Kareoka” is written by Fathi El Gendi and directed by Omar El Shiekh, starring Wafaa Amer, Ezzat Abu Auf , Fadya Abdel Ghani and many more. The series is set to play during the upcoming Ramadan 2012.

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