Youssra revives "Almond Sugar" and starts shooting it in December

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  • 12:14 PM - 12 September 2011
  • 1 photo

In an attempt to compensate her disappearance from all the action that took place in Ramadan, actress Youssra decided to prepare for her new series "Almond Sugar" to play on television next Ramadan.According to "Al Ahram" Youssra is waiting for script writer Tamer Habib to continue the script for the final episodes, at the same time she is still in the process of filming her scenes in the movie "Tomorrow We'll See".The idea of the series is about a striving lady who works in a clothes factory trying to make ends meat and provide for her family.The series directed by Khaled Marei, was supposed to play during Ramadan, but because of political instability following the 25th of January revolution, the series was postponed.

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