January’s revolution revives “The Trip” for Ashraf Marawan

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  • 03:02 PM - 25 September 2011
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In an interview with “Al Masry Al Yom” newspaper actor Ahmed Ezz stated that the project of a series where he plays late business man Ashraf Marawan is almost complete. Such series can finally see daylight after the revolution that allowed more political expression. Ezz was promised the aid of the Egyptian intelligence when it came to seeking information about the life of Ashraf Marawan.Ashraf Marawan had a very unique life to the extent that rumors circulated that he was a big reason the 6th of October war was won. He had strong ties with the Egyptian intelligence before question marks starting arising after his mysterious death in London in 2007, and after Israel claimed that he was a double agent working for both Mossad and Egyptian Intelligence. Actor Ahmed Ezz was and still is very preoccupied with his work in the cinema yet he agreed to do the role because of its importance and its dramatic magnitude. He believes that Marawan’s life is full of political and economic details that had a profound impact on his surrounding community.The budget for the movie which is named “The Trip” will be 30 million Egyptian pounds, and will be produced by Gamal Ashraf Marawan, the son of the late businessman in coordination with Ihab Talaat. Filming this massive production will require travelling around the world as well as providing backdrops and studio equipments to represent different periods in Marwan’s life.Script writer Hazem El Hadidy will start writing the script, soon after that the rest of the actors will be chosen for the series. Directing the series will be director Amr Arafa.

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