Palestinian Artist Reem Banna goes on a hunger strike in solidarity with prisoners in Israeli jails.

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  • 02:36 PM - 11 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Palestinian artist Reem Banna decided to go on hunger strike in the middle of Virgin Eye court in Al Nasra Al jaleelia city. As she stands in the middle of the court many more people join until their numbers are up to 40. Although, Reem’s health is not in perfect condition and she is on medication, she is still adamant to go on this hunger strike that has been started by the prisoners themselves 14 days ago.There are about 6 thousand Palestinian and Arab prisoners who are unjustly detailed in Israeli jails.Reem’s actions are only a way to peacefully protest the gruesome life conditions that the prisoners face in prison. She hopes the whole world can see the brutalities.

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