Van Damme visits Egypt to see Tahrir Square and familiarizes himself more with the Egyptians who made it possible.

  • News
  • 04:14 AM - 17 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Just hours ago, Cairo International Airport witnessed the arrival of the action star Jean Claude Van Damme, who is visiting Egypt for the first time to take a monumental tour around Egypt as well as visit Tahrir Square where all the action took place and familiarize himself with the people who made it happen. “Al Yoom Al Sabei” newspaper was able to have a quick word from him. He was particularly thrilled with the way he was received in the airport by his fans in Egypt. He is very happy to be in Egypt celebrating his 51st birthday, which is tomorrow. Van Damme also added that he has been observing the Egyptian revolution ever since it started following its events of TV and is happy that he could finally make it to Egypt personally.Van Damme’s visit will last for 2 days where he will visit the important places he has scheduled on his agenda as well as being a host in a long interview on “Al Hayat Al Yoom” channel.

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