The Egyptian revolution in the upcoming Oscars

  • News
  • 11:26 AM - 18 October 2011
  • 2 photos

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The Academy of Arts and Science (Oscar) announced its initial preliminary list for short documentary awards. From this list of 8 movies, 5 will be filtered out. This event will take place on the 24th of January 2012. From the chosen movies came the movie for John Albert and Mathew O Neal “In Tahrir Square: 18 Days of Egypt's Unfinished Revolution”The movie documents the events of the Egyptian revolution and the 18 days that followed all the way until the trial of the Egyptian ex President Hosni Mubarak.Directors say it is a detailed depiction of a special revolution in the history of mankind, where it was a peaceful revolution straight from the people towards the regime. The fact that they all assembled together in a place like Tahrir was symbolic. They stood together until his removal and even after that until his trial. It has been a life changing experience for many and a complete shift in Egyptian history.Deborah Young, a critic in “Hollywood Reporter” described it as an objective and intelligent production. It is a very important documentary in this phase and for this area in the world.The Egyptian revolution has been the most important event amongst the international events during the year 2011; it will most surely be highlighted in the Oscar Awards.

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