The Secret behind the tears of Hind Sabry in the Abu Dhabi Cinema Festival

  • News
  • 08:08 AM - 19 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Tunisian actress Hind Sabry surprised everyone at the Abu Dhabi International Cinema Festival with an outburst of tears, once her movie was playing during the festival. She explained that she didn’t have a shred of doubt about accepting the role but rather wondered how the audience will receive it and felt slightly apprehensive.Hind initiated the Festival by greeting both Tunisia and Egypt and the entire Arab world. Then moved on to explain, that some of the actual characters in her movie were in fact HIV positive.Hind portrays a 45 year old woman who is diagnosed with aids. She has a very hard time dealing with the reaction of the society who only understands that HIV is transferred only sexually. It is then that you are scarred forever and have to deal not only with the illness but the reaction of the community you live within. The movie portrays aids from a whole different perspective as well as pain, suffering and poverty.Stars who attended the opening for the movie were Youssra, Layla Elwi, Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, Boshra and Khaled Abu El Naga, as well as director of the movie Amr Salama and many guests of honor.

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