Salah El Sadaany returns to presenting programs on “Al Mehwar” channel.

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  • 01:57 PM - 23 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Salah el Sadaany experienced a small trial as a TV presenter on Modern Freedom channel for his program called “El Leila ya Omda”. Apparently he enjoyed it, as he is now preparing along with Al Mehwar channel for his new program that has not been named yet that will play on Al Mehwar channel.Salah’s decision came after many of the work he was involved in got cancelled or postponed due to production problems that hover over the Egyptian media sector after the revolution.The nature of the program that Salah is doing is not clear yet, but according to sources inside the channel, it will be of a human and social nature. It will also address some political issues that we are currently living. The most current work that Salah was involved in was his series “The Home of the Pasha”, with director Hani Lasheen in 2010. Sadaany was waiting for his other 2 series to start called “The whispering Roots” and “The Second Wife” but for production reasons they were stopped.

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