"The Bats" combines Abir Sabry and Kinda Aloush next November

  • News
  • 09:29 AM - 25 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Director Ahmed Alnahas has finished writing the television series "The Bats", which deals with the corruption during the past decade, and the most important cases and crimes that have captured public opinion the most during these years.In thirty episodes, "The Bats" include ten different disjoint but still connected stories starring Kinda Aloush, Abir Sabry, Regina, Dalal Abdulaziz, Samir Ghanim, Hussein Alimam, Nagwa Fouad, Mahmoud Qabil in addition to a large number of students from the Institute of Performing Arts.According to the Rose Al-youssef newspaper, Alnahas reflected the events of the television series from real police records and case files in the courts. These are considered as an accurate measure of the state of the Egyptian society from the framework of the police. Each story is tackled in three episodes, with titles such as "A month of imprisonment", "Conflicting statements", "The head of the statue of Amun", "Poppy flower", "The scandal" and "Habib's heart". The series' filming is scheduled to begin early November.

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