Monir will not make it to Eid Al Adha

  • News
  • 07:01 AM - 29 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Although Monir’s current album “O Arab People” or “Ya Ahl El Arab” was originally scheduled for release last Eid, during Eid Al fetr , but because the preparation of the songs and album were not completed by Eid Al Fetr the album was not released then and was postponed till Eid Al Adha. For the second time the same problem arises. Monir is currently in Germany working on the master copy of his album, but unfortunately, Monir will not be able to print copies for release and produce the albums advertisement on time before Eid Al Fetr, hence the decision to postpone the album again. Monir is considered one of the biggest and most famous pop stars in Egypt and the Arab world, if he would release his album even apart from any particular season he would not need such massive advertising. He wouldn’t even require a certain season to release his album. The most probable scenario would be in coming 2 months before the New Year. The album contains 10 new songs portraying the general feeling the whole country is experiencing at the moment after the success of the revolution. In the past Monir used to call for justice and equality, his songs carried deep meanings and images that refused tyranny and oppression. This album celebrates the end of tyranny and oppression, not only in Egypt but In all the Arab world.

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