A special release for the movie “Palm of the Moon” or “Kaff el Amar” tonight at City Stars Movie Theater.

  • News
  • 11:17 AM - 2 November 2011
  • 1 photo

Today the 2nd of November is the first official release of the movie “Palm of the Moon”. The cast and director Khaled Youssef will be present at the City Stars Movie Theater to witness the showing of the movie for the first time.The initial scheduled time for the movie was October 19th, but the Mespiro incidents and the death of 23 civilians made it only natural to postpone it. Director khaled Youssef spoke to the production company and the decision was to further postpone it for 2 weeks until today, just a couple of days before the Eid season. The movie demonstrates the widow “Amar” from Upper Egypt who is striving to raise her 5 children after her husband’s death. The film reflects all the socio economic and political changes Egypt has gone through in the last decades and how that affected her life.Many of the stars in the movie will probably attend such as Wafaa Amer, Khaled Saleh, Jumana Mourad, Magdi Fekry, Hassan El Raddad, Sabry Fawaz, Haitham Ahmed Zaki and Horeya Farghali. this as well as many more artists and critics. As for Ghada Abdel Razek, she will not be attending the opening of the movie because her dispute during the 25th January revolution with director Khaled Saleh to the point that they are no longer communicating together, this as well as her infuriation over the editing of some of her scenes in the movie made by director Khaled Youssef.

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