Hussein Fahmi replacing Mahmoud Hemaida in “The Good Nile”

  • News
  • 11:45 AM - 3 November 2011
  • 2 photos

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Although actor Mahmoud Hemaida was taking the leading role in the series “The Good Nile” , differences with the production company resulted in his replacement with Hussein Fahmi when both sides could not get to an agreement. The series is scheduled to play during Ramadan 2012.The series displays the life of a Suburban old man from Kafr El Shiekh whose home overlooks the Nile. The series portrays all the social changes that happened in his life time starting from the sixties until after the revolution. In a statement producer Ahmed El Gabry made to the newspaper “Al Yoom Al Sabai” he said that they will commence filming the episodes starting January in the real locations South of Egypt, in Aswan, Luxor, Fayoom and many more. That same series was originally scheduled to play during last Ramadan but because of all the political and economical situations the country was going through, it was postponed till next Ramadan. “The Good Nile” is directed by Ahmed Khedr, starring Hussein Fahmi, Reem Baroudi, Lekaa Sewedan, Abdel Aziz Makhyon and Ahmed Fouad Selim. Currently the rest of the cast are being nominated.

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