Ghada Abdel Razek a guest of honor at the Marrakech Film Festival

  • News
  • 11:39 PM - 27 November 2011
  • 1 photo

The Marrakech Film Festival is taking place from the 2nd to the 10th of December, it is then that the Festival’s administration decided to choose Egyptian actress Ghada Abdel Razek as a guest of honor at the festival, which will be attended by many Egyptian, Arabic and international celebrities. The festival will host Ghada through an open interview where she will discuss her career and her profession as an actress, as well as her work in the cinema and television especially her upcoming series in Ramadan called “Premeditation”. Ghada is currently waiting for her new movie “Reklam” to be released, costarring with Ghada in this movie are actresses, Rania Youssef, Madeline Tabar and Ola Ramy.

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