Hany Shaker sings again for Dina “Too Difficult” or “Saab Gedan”

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  • 03:21 PM - 1 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Arab singer Hany Shaker returned to sing again through his latest clips “Too Difficult”, which he finished filming recently to display on the Satellite channels. Composed and written by himself, to his deceased daughter Dina during her treatment in Paris.He previously said that, “I am certainly not a poet nor a composer, but the experience which I lived; it is through suffering that the words and composition were born inside of me that I did not intend to record except for Dina who liked it and asked me to. I woke up one day to find it all in my mind, it did not take more than two hours to write then I composed it without the lute or any musical instrument, but the inspiration that suffering creates”.He added “as soon as I arrived in Egypt, I recorded the song”, that says “It is too difficult to see someone before your eyes someone you admire full of pain … It is too difficult to see every tear of his/her tears coming down with confusion from his/her eyes with no words … It is too difficult to stand between his/her hands seeing his/her hands holding the pain with no moan … Don’t know where to go, can’t even remember who you are … It is too difficult”.Since Dina Hany Shaker passed away last June, Hany Shaker did not sing until he surprised everybody with his return through that song.

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