The cast of the movie “Asmaa” are guests on Mega FM Radio station.

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  • 03:02 AM - 13 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Etesalat Music Box radio program hosted by Tamer Shaltoot on Mega FM radio station hosts the cast of the movie “Asmaa” as part of their advertising campaign for the movie. Script Writer and director Amr Salama as well as actor Hani Adel will be live on the show discussing the movie at 4pm today.The cast had appeared in the last week several times on many different satellite channels campaigning for the movie, before it was played exclusively at the Journalists syndicate. It was also released during the Wahran international Film Festival in Algeria. The movie stars Hend Sabry, Maged El Kadawani, Hany Adel and Sayed Ragab.

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