James Bond producer wants to break a record

  • News
  • 10:07 AM - 20 December 2011
  • 2 photos

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Michael G. Wilson producer of agent 007 said in extreme honesty to the official website M16 of the series, “I want him to break Roger Moore record, to be the most actor who presented James Bond character, because he deserves it”. As the best, great and perfect man for this role is Daniel Craig.He wants to contract with English star Daniel Craig for five more movies, in addition to the other two already filmed and another is being filmed, to reach eight movies. Roger Moore is considered the oldest James Bond character presenter in the sixties and seventies in five movies, Sean Connery the first to present six movies and Pierce Brosnan with four movies.Daniel Craig is currently filming “Skyfall” with Oscar award winning director Sam Mendes, expected to be released in October 2012 and is considered the third movie with the series after “Casino Royale” 2006 and “Quantum of Solace” 2008.

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