Samo Zein decides to postpone the release of his album till February due to current political events.

  • News
  • 06:24 AM - 21 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Syrian singer Samo Zein decided to postpone the release of his album till February due to the current political events in the Arab world and specifically in Syria and Egypt. Samo has been working on his album “Red Flowers” a year ago and had just completed it recently, and had the intention of releasing it during new years but had to withdraw that decision due to the highly intensified political instability in the region, especially in Egypt and Syria. The album includes 11 tracks including a duet with the Bulgarian singer Tania Bolvin. The tracks in the album are: (Red Flower), (Normal), (I am Free), (You Will know my value), (prettier in my eyes), (MY Shining Knight), (I dreamt of you), (I would kill for you), (I am Ready) and (From My Eyes).This album includes many poets and song writers and music distributors such as: Mohamed Nassar, Mohamed Hassan, Tamer Hussein (who wrote the lyrics for 7 of the 11 songs), Islam Zaki, Ahmed Hussein. Some of the distributors were, Amir Mahroos, Adel Hakki, Wessam Abdel Monein, Tarek Abdul Gaber, Islam Zaki and sound engineer Hani Mahroos.

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