Adel Imam prepares for a new movie and part 2 of the comedy play “The Leader”

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  • 01:02 PM - 21 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Legendary Egyptian actor Adel Imam has been very busy recently preparing for his final details in the Ramadan series “Nagi Attallah’s Squad” as well as his involvement in a new movie. He has also been attending workshops to discuss details with author and script writer Youssef Maati to produce a part 2 of his infamous comedy play “The Leader”.According to the Middle East broadcasting station Adel Imam believes that his new movie will be a big surprise for his audience, however he refuses to give out any details about it until he completes all the aspects of the movie and chooses a director to work with.As for his comedy theatrical play “The Leader” whose main idea was a dictator and his relationship with his people, Adel believes that right now the scene is set to make a part 2 especially with all the current events and political changes in the Arab world. Adel Imam’s most recent film was called “Alzheimer” that was released in 2010, as for his most recent plays, that was called “Body Guard”

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