Ghada Adel reveals the secret of “Nadia Roxy”

  • News
  • 03:54 AM - 25 December 2011
  • 3 photos

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In an interview with Al Masry Al Yoom newspaper, actress Ghada Adel reveal some details of her most recent project called “Roxy”, she also discussed “Nadia Roxy” which is the character she will be playing.Ghada added that the movie will be written, directed and produced by her husband Magdi El Hawari. This is considered the 5th time the couple work together. Together they have produced “55 saaf”, “Khaleeg Neema”, “Al Watar” and “Eyal Habeeba”. The movie will commence filming as soon as Magdi completes the script, as stated by Ghada.Ghada’s most recent movie was “Al Watar” opposite actor Mustafa Shabaan, Ahmed El Sadaany and Sawsan Badr, and the script was for Mohamed Nayer.

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