Mai Selim apologizes for Al-Leab Maea Al-Banat

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  • 06:31 PM - 30 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Artist Mai Selim apologized for not participating in "Al-Leab Maea El-Banat" new movie, which she was suppose to do as first cinematic work with her sister Mais Hamdan. She justified it that she wants to present a work in the same level as "The Dealer" movie or above it.The movie revolves in comedy around three sisters that their life changes after their father's fortune loss, which forces them to leave the luxury and comfort life to the street life. One of them works as a singer in a nightclub, which was supposed to be played by "Mai Selim", another sells sandwiches (played be Mais Hamdan) and the last works as a taxi driver (played by Randa El-Bahiri). They discover the suffering and concerns of the simple class, as they also discover that their lives before had no purpose.The movie is starring Mais Hamdan, Randa El-Bahiri, Aida Riad, Saeed Al-Tarabek, Entisar and Abdullah Mushref. It is directed by Youssry Gharib.On the other hand, Mai still did not settle on the next drama scenario for next Ramadan until now, as she is confused between two serials with major production companies that are competing that month.

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