The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" … David Fencher mayn't direct another part"

  • News
  • 11:54 AM - 5 January 2012
  • 1 photo

Although "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" movie has only been in cinemas for just two weeks, yet it was highly appreciated in both critique and monetary terms, where it brought in more than hundred million dollars internationally and almost sixty million dollars nationally."The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" will probably be nominated to win the best film's Oscar award granted by The Academy at the end of January.The huge success scored by the movie may force Sony Company (the producer) to continue the Swedish trilogy which was written by the Swedish novelist Sting Larson. Sony had previously stated that the rest of the trilogy's future depends upon the first part's success. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo's trilogy – which was published after its writer's death in 2004 - scored significant success throughout Europe, thus forced all Hollywood producers to turn it into a film.Now after the first part was highly appraised and after Rony Mara's and Daniel Kreeje's consents (the first part's leads), the Oscar winner scenarist Steven Zelan started to write the second part of the trilogy, to be produced by Sony Company.Is it possible for David Fencher to direct the new part especially after the first part's huge success?? This is the question now.For notice, David Fencher has previously stated that he won't be able to direct another part of the trilogy, especially that he is currently busy working on his new classic project "20 thousand leagues under the sea".

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