Mariam Naoom asks the audience to stand in mourning for the martyrs

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  • 03:23 PM - 10 January 2012
  • 1 photo

The scriptwriter Mariam Naoom asked the attendees during her speech –as a Rapporteur of The Arbitral Committee for the best youth script Saweeres Award 2011- to stand a minute in mourning for all the revolution's martyrs. Mariam Naoom stated that all the coming glory is only because of our martyrs who sacrificed their souls for their country's sake.For info, the scenarist Mariam Naoom is currently busy working on her new series "Zat" which is expected to start shooting next February. Although the original novel deals with only 10 years, yet the new series will deal with whole 60 years, hence new characters and events were added to the original play."Zat" is starred by Nelly Kareem and Basem Samra and directed by Kamla Abo Aeky.

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