Samo Zein completes filming a new advertisement and includes a duet with the Bulgarian Tania Bolvin in his new album

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  • 05:09 PM - 13 January 2012
  • 1 photo

Syrian pop star is currently preparing the cover of his new album called "Red Flowers" due to be released in February. The album includes 11 tracks; "Al Ward Al Ahmar", "Aadi", "Hateraf Emti", "Betehlaw fi enaiya", "Faris Ahlamak", "Helemt Beeki", "Mestaktel Ashaanak", "Ana Mostaaed", "Hor Fee", "Men Enaiya". The album also included a duet with the Bulgarian singer Tania Bolvin, as well as that same song performed by Samo independently. Samo has currently created a new face book page for him after his old one that contained 100 thousand fans has been hacked. Another one of Samo's project is his very discrete involvement in filming an advertisement for the BB Berlin German company, who has chosen Samo to represent their advertising campaign. The ad is scheduled for release concurrently with Samo's new album.

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