In a survey conducted by “Sayedati” magazine, May Selim came first in best new acting faces for the year 2011.

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  • 05:03 PM - 16 January 2012
  • 2 photos

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In a survey conducted by “Sayedati” or “My Lady” magazine, May Selim came first in best new acting faces for the year 2011. The survey was conducted amongst the readers of the magazine who come from all over the Arab world.The chairman of the magazine located in Cairo delivered the certificate of appreciation to May who expressed her happiness and joy with the results of the survey as they portrayed the admiration of the audience. She also added that she is particularly glad that this came through a significant magazine such as “Sayedati” .May also took, on behalf of her sister Mais Hamdan, the prize of best Jordanian actress for 2011. However, Mais couldn’t make it as she is busily involved in her new series “Fire and Mud”.This year May is involved in the series “Selsal El Dam” written by Magdi Saber, and directed by Mustafa El Shaal. She is starring alongside Abla Kamel, Riyad El Khool and Ola Ghanem, and the series is scheduled to start shooting the scenes in February in order to play during Ramadan 2012.

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