Ghada Adel declines Ahmed El Sakka’s series due to her involvement in the another series called “Al Ahd”

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  • 10:02 AM - 18 January 2012
  • 1 photo

In Al Masry Al Yoom newspaper, producer Gamal Al Adl stated that he gave actress Ghada Adel an option to choose between the series he will produce called “Al Ahd” or “The Covenant” and Ahmed El Sakka’s series called “Khotoot Hamra” or “Red Lines” . After Gamal had explained the conflict that might result in her doing 2 series simultaneously, Ghada Adel finally decided to choose “The Covenant” and apologized to the cast and crew of the series “Red Lines”.Director Ghada Selim had already started to check out locations so the filming can start immediately and the series completed before the upcoming Ramadan.

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