"Noah's Ark" built for the silver screen by 150 Million Dollars!

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  • 01:28 PM - 28 January 2012
  • 1 photo

Director Darren Aronofsky is preparing for a 150 Million Dollar epic based on the biblical story of Noah's Ark. He will start shooting the film by summer 2012 to release in 2013.According to Aronofsky's photographer, Mathew Laptic, in his statement to "The Playlist", the film will be shot in Iceland and New York. He commented that the script is well written, and Aronofsky is handling it in a psychological not a religious manner.An epic about the fear of extinction and building a new world, Aronofsky is overwhelmed by Noah's complicated personality that lives a unique tragedy where he alone knows the world is ending and he takes it on his burden to save as many lives as he can. Till date, no stars are chosen to star in the film after Christian Bill apologized for his busy schedule of 2012.

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