Hani Salama wishes for a film about Ahmad Harara.

  • News
  • 11:53 AM - 30 January 2012
  • 1 photo

In his statement to Middle East Media, Hani Salama wishes to make a film about the revolutionist hero Ahmed Harara, who lost both his eyes in the Egyptian revolution. He lost his right eye on 28 January known as "Friday of Anger" and his left eye on 19 Novemeber in the events that took place in Mohamed Mahmoud Str. Salama believes that this is the least that can be done for such a hero, as he has given the biggest sacrifice towards his country. He also thinks that the story of Ahmed Harara has many dimensions that can be put in a film. There are yet no intentions in writing a script for this film according to Salama. As for "El Rahib", he doesn't think it will be his next film as script writer Medhat El Adl did not finish it yet.

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