Amr Waked reveals the facts of what is happening.

  • News
  • 06:32 PM - 5 February 2012
  • 1 photo

As an eye witness, Amr Waked revealed on his Twitter account the facts and what is happening between the protesters and the police forces in Bab El Loq streets in Cairo. He wrote that he was in Mohamed Mahmoud Str. which was going through a peacful truce between both parties, where suddenly and for no reason the police started throwing gas bombs extensively and wondered why the police are refusing the truce.And in his reply to the accusations that the protesters tried to break into the Ministry of Interior Affairs, he said that this did not happen, and the protesters try their best to stop any violence by arresting any one with a weapon or any Molotov bombs. Waked explained that the people are still protesting around the area of the Ministry as no one is being charged for the murder of 2300 martyrs since the 25 Jan revolution. He also added that every person has the right for a peaceful demonstration, strike and sit-in. This right must never be criticized or discriminated even though the requests may vary.

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