Khaled El Sawi cancels his concert during the Portsaid martyrs mourning period.

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  • 06:27 PM - 5 February 2012
  • 1 photo

The Cairo International Book Fair extended its mourning period for the Portsaid massacre that resulted in the sad loss of 70 young men from Al Ahli Ultras. Khaled El Sawi was scheduled to have a concert on Sunday 5 February with his band "Al Asefa - The Storm"; but he had to cancel it as a result for this decision. On his Facebook page, El Sawi agreed with postponing his concert, as he feels that it is not appropriate to sing and have a concert during those sad circumstances. He promised his fans that he will meet with them soon in The Culture Wheel or Elhanager Theater. He concluded his message by commenting:"Glory to the Martyrs and Victory to the revolution".

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