Youssra fears Envy and starts shooting" Sharbat Loz" in silence.

  • News
  • 12:24 PM - 8 February 2012
  • 1 photo

After a long delay, Youssra starts shooting her new series" Sharbat Loz" without celebrating. It seems that Youssra is afraid of the" Envious eye" that lately affected the team.In a statement to Al Masry Al Youm news paper Youssra said" Once the filming of the series was announced; several people of the working team faced some problems. It started with me when my mother got very ill couple of days before shooting, after that it continued with Tamer Habib operating Cartilage process and it ended with the director Khaled Maray and the producer Marawan Hamed facing some problems. That's the purpose of shooting in silence without celebrating. We would have delayed shooting if t wasn't for my mother who insisted to start working in order gets rid of my bad mood and to get out the bad thoughts that control me." Moreover Youssra announced that her new series revolves in an atmosphere of social drama, about the rise of a poor woman. Confirming that it is not related to the revolution because it has not been completed yet, and there is no clear vision of it so far.

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