Khaled Youssef: "Awlad Haretna"is a political, non religious work

  • News
  • 04:05 PM - 9 February 2012
  • 1 photo

The director Khaled Youssef confirmed that converting Naguib Mahfouz's novel "Awlad Haretna"into a movie will focus on the political side that mahfouz dealt with and not the religious side or the defect in divine being of the novel.In a statement to the Middle East News Agency, Khaled Youssef clarified that Naguib Mahfouz meant to express his opinion of parental authority and the conflict between this oppressive authority and the freedom tendency. This conflict led to January 25th revolution.Khaled Youssef, wants his film to be a strong response to all the critics on Mahfouz literature and to be a recognition of his novels that became international and to deny all the clamors raised for decades about this novel that hasn't been published because it criticize the authoritarian Arab regimes, not for religious reasons as claimed.Khaled Youssef is currently writing the script adapted from the novel. Initially, Khaled nominated for its heroism, Nour El-Sherif, Mahmoud Hamida, Khaled Saleh, Youssra and others .

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