Sandy appears in a military uniform and imitates Michael Jackson in (Heik Benghany ) program

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  • 10:36 AM - 16 February 2012
  • 2 photos

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The appearance of the singer Sandy wearing a military uniform in last Saturday's episode of (Heik Benghany) program presented by Maya Diab, has raised a huge uproar among her fans on her official page on face book.Moreover, her press officer mentioned in a Media press, that this military custom was trademarked from " Maison de Couture Balmain" established in Paris in 1946. As Michael Jackson was the first one to wear this suit and because of Sandy's admire and respect to him, she wear this suit in order to confirm that he was and will last the best in the fashion industry. He continued saying:" It's not wrong to be influenced by Michael Jackson . However, Sandy is not the first to imitate him, there is more than 20 star around the world who wore the same suit with it's different colors including the star Haifa wehbe, Nancy Agram, and the DJ David vendetta. Moreover, the artist Tamer Hosni is also affected by Michael Jackson style as he wore his hat and imitated his moves.In the program Sandy presented her song "The Dream" in addition to several old songs like "Howa Ya Howa" for the singer Afaf Rady, and "Kan Yama Kan" For the singer Mayada El Henawy and "Salametha Omo Hassan" for the great singer Ahmed Adaweya.

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