Saber El Rebai approves on some of The Tunisian Minster of Culture’s statement.

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  • 03:26 AM - 19 February 2012
  • 1 photo

After the statement announced by Mahdi Mabrouk, the Tunisian Minister of Culture about the participation of Elissa and Nancy Ajram in the Carthage Festival; singer Saber El Rebai approves announced his support to the minister.Saber, in his interview with the radio show “Besaraha”, approves the minister’s decision about inviting stars to participate in the festival to raise of its quality. However, he disapproves of him saying “over my dead body” as he believes that Tunis has always opened its arms to all artists from all countries. Saber also added that Nancy Ajram is one of the most decent singers in the career. And when asked about the objection of the Lebanese media and union about the minister’s statements, Saber said that this issue is up to festival’s managers and they have all the right in their choices.

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