An American Action team cooperates with "Ghorfa 6" cast

  • News
  • 10:51 AM - 21 February 2012
  • 5 photos

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6" castThe director Khaled saleh, owner of Lotus Media Production Company hires an American action team to do the action movements and the fighting scenes which will gather Nadine Negm with the new actor Yousef.The scene where Nadine is kidnapped and tries to escape will be filmed in Elwahat area and Cairo Alex road."Ghorfa 6" deals with the Mysteries world of business which the hero reveals. It is directed by Mohamed Fakhry, Story and screenplay and dialogue by Inas Hassanein and starring Nadine Negm, Yousef, Madline Tabar, Omar Zahran, Mohamed Soliman, Dina Elmasry. Film from the production of Lotus Media Company.

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