The Egyptian Creativity Front denies the Tunisian Minister of Culture's decision.

  • News
  • 02:03 PM - 22 February 2012
  • 1 photo

After banning some artists from Egypt and other Arabic countries from participating in Carthage Music Festival, the Egyptian creativity front expressed its resentment from this decision on its Facebook page. Abd El Jalil El Sharnobi, the general coordinator for the front, announced that an official delegated team has an appointment with the Tunisian embassador in Cairo on 25 February to hand him with a condemnation letter for the Minister's decision. The team consists of Dr. Mohamed El Adl, director Daod Abd El Sayed, Esaad Younes, musician Hani Mohana, director Khaled Yousef, singer Hani Shaker and writer Fatheya Al Assal. The Tunisian Minister of Culture, Mahdi Mabrook, has rejected the participation of some singers in the festival and said that artists who are on the same level of the festival shall be part of it. From Egypt Sherine Abd El Wahab and Tamer Hosni were banned from participating, and from Lebanon were Nancy Ajram and Elissa and he said that the last two are considered singers of nudity!

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