Tamer Hosni is Universal with "One Little World"

  • News
  • 03:38 PM - 27 February 2012
  • 1 photo

Malik Edward, media spokesman for Media Universal Production Company which is based in Washington, has announced that they have chosen singer Tamer Hosni to fill the gap between the East and the West. Malik said it took the company two years of research to then choose Hosni to make its 1st international album for an Egyptian singer. The company believes that Hosni has a unique and huge fan base in the Arab world and a great ability to sing in English that makes him an honorable face to deliver the eastern culture to the west. Also, his successful career locally and internationally along with the amount of charity work made this choice easy."One Little World" is the initial name chosen for the album that both Hosni and Media Universal hope to reach with it to the younger generations outside the Arabic world, as their knowledge of the eastern culture and music is minimal. Malik also added that the album will have 12 songs that will include duets with stars and famous DJ's from the USA. Tamer will also have solo songs both in Arabic and in English.

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