Rami Ayash supports his country in the Asian qualification matches.

  • News
  • 04:56 PM - 1 March 2012
  • 4 photos

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Without prior arrangement or publicity stunts, Lebanese singer Rami Ayash attended the football match between national teams of Lebanon and the UAE in Abu Dhabi last Tuesday. Asian teams are playing their qualification matches for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and Rami was highly welcomed and cheered by the Lebanese crowd in the match.Rami expressed his happiness that his team has qualified for the semi-finals and is proud of the players. Many UAE and Lebanese media channels spotted Rami in the crowd and interviewd him.Rami's latest hit single "Eghmorny Teesh" is still scoring high rates in most of the Lebanese and Arabic radio channels that he is considering to make a video clip for it.

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