The Cairo International Film Festival for Children is attracting noticeable attention.

  • News
  • 04:04 PM - 2 March 2012
  • 3 photos

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With many countries participating in its events, the 21st run of the Cairo International Film Festival for Children is witnessing a noticeable interest where it is taking place between the 23rd and 30th of March 2012. Some of these countries is Macedonia who is participating with a huge number of films (9) production of 2010- 2011 and they are "Bardo", "Glow", "The Little Match Girl", "Violent Youth", "Game Over", "Hansel and Gretel: The True Story", Terrorism on Earth", Tilak – Mubam" and "The Disappearance of Tito". Also, Burkina Faso is in with "The Godfather" and South Africa is participating with one film "African Sky Stories".

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