Initial reports deny Whitney Houston's suicide!

  • News
  • 04:37 PM - 3 March 2012
  • 1 photo

When Whitney Houston's body was found in her bath tub in Beverly Hilton Hotel, rumors spread around that she killed herself. It was a mysterious and weird way to die, however, initial police reports about the accident confirm that there are no suicidal or homicide attempts linked to the death.This report proves that what her family and friends have been saying is true regarding her will to quit drugs and alcohol to return to her fans with a new album and a film. They also said that she was taking sedatives to help her through this difficult time. So far, the reason of death has not been announced but the final autopsy report shall be released by the end of next week. Most probably, Houston might have over taken sedative pills that left her unconscious so she drowned in her tub.

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