Bobbi Kristina is the only heir of Whitney Houston

  • News
  • 02:53 PM - 9 March 2012
  • 1 photo

Los Angeles court announced that according to Whitney Houston's commandment her fortune will be inherited by Bobbi Kristina, the only daughter she got.In a document published in U.S. newspapers, the court clarified that Houston has modified her commandment in 2000 in order to pass all her fortune to her daughter after she dies. Houston's fortune consists of: Bank funds, some jewelry in addition to her property and cars.The commandment states that the wealth will be transformed to Bobbi on parts. The first part she'll receive after 2 years when she reaches 21 years, the second part will be on the age of 25 while all rest of it will be at the age 30.Houston has passed away couple of weeks ago in her room in Beverly hotel.

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