"Cairokee" هn dispute with the Minister of Information over their song!

  • News
  • 12:16 PM - 12 March 2012
  • 2 photos

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"Matloob Zaeem – A Leader in Demand" is the song that Cairokee have released after the 25 Jan revolution. The song was a hit on all satellite channels and on YouTube as well and is very popular among the youth in Egypt. However, Major Generla Ahmed Anis, the Minister of Information, have recently informed the head of the Egyptian Broadcast – Mr Ismail Al Shishtawy- that he is banning the song from being aired on any Egyptian radia or TV channel. The Minister objected over a word in the song "Dakar" which refers to the masculinity in the man. He even decided to investigate with Mrs Naglaa Al Ghannam – head of song broadcast- for broadcasting the song and ordered to hang a sign inside the studios that forbids broadcasting it for the use of improper language!Tamer Hesham, a member Cairokee, has expressed his surprise over this decision, as the word is not that offensive especially when compared to another word mentioned in the song "Khazooq" and the Minister had no objection about. As for the Egyptian Creativity Front, they have condemned to this decision on their facebook page as they feel it is a personal opinion from a man in a powerful position. They feel that it is an abuse of this power which is one of the reasons for the 25 Jan revolution. However, they had their reservation over the same word as they feel it is discriminating and rules out the very important role of women during and after the same revolution.

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