“Ala Kaf Afreet – On a Genie’s Palm” is a drama that revolves around the unique story of “Fadel Abu El Rous” who surrounds himself with wealthy and powerful businessmen. The story goes deep into their history and the anxiety they go through after the 25 Jan revolution events especially after the beginning of trail of the former regime members. The events take a very mysterious turn as it gets closer to the character of “Fadel” and many surprises are revealed about his past and future.The series stars Khaled El Sawi and Kenda Alloush which makes it the third time they work together. The first was in the series “Ahl Cairo” and the second was in the film “Alfagoumi”.“Al Kaf Afreet “is directed by Kamal Mansour, written by Yehia Fekri and produced by “Kan” and supervised by Dina Kareem. El Sawi had started his rehearsing sessions with the director as the series is scheduled to be part of the Ramadan 2012 season.