Khaled El Sawi: "If you are invited, then you are welcome to my wedding!"

  • News
  • 03:33 PM - 19 March 2012
  • 1 photo

In a few days is the wedding ceremony for actor Khaled El Sawi. He surprised his friends and fans on his Facebook page when wrote a few lines addressing them and apologizing for not being able to invite everyone he knows.He started by saying that he really wanted to invite everyone that he had spent a good time with. But he apologized to all and said that he will need to make his weeding in the Cairo Stadium to fulfill the numbers of friends he has. He mentioned his from school, sports club in Alexandria and Cairo and his theatre colleagues in the Law School in Cairo to be at the wedding. Then he spoke about his mates in the revolutionary left movement in the Center of Socialist Studies and other political buddies. He also mentioned his friends in the Nile TV channels and all actors and artists he enjoyed working with. He didn't forget to include his chat friends online and the ones he sat with in the 80's in the cafes. Even though he will not invite all of those, but their place in his heart is safe and sound.At the end, Khaled added that everyone he received an invitation to the wedding must bring it with him, after all, he won't be standing at the door to rule out the uninvited!

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