George Clooeny pretended to be Brad Pitt when he got arrested!

  • News
  • 02:20 PM - 23 March 2012
  • 1 photo

"Even though he was handcuffed, dragged into a police car and accused of civil disobedience; star George Clooney did not loose his sense of humor!" said Fred Kramer in his statement to "Access Hollywood" when he was recalling the moment he and George got arrested last week when they were protesting in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington. Fred also said that when it was time to tell the Secret Services who they were, George tried to pass himself off as Brad Pitt! They were arrested with Clooney's father and three others with some congress members for a few hours after their protest against the Sudanese authorities that banned food and medical supplies from reaching the people on the south border. During the time of their arrest, Fred said that they talked more about the situation and what should the US government and the world should do to prevent thousands of people from dying.

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