The Gulf Film Festival features 14 creative Bahraini films

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  • 11:20 AM - 29 March 2012
  • 1 photo

According to the Gulf Film Festival management, 14 out of 21 Bahraini Short films will participate in its events. Six out of those films will have their world premiere at the festival, and one film will premiere for the first time in the Middle East. The categories of the films vary between comedy, drama, adventure and documentaries which proves how much the Bahraini cinema has developed recently. From the films that are showing in the festival events “Harak – Moevment” by Aysha Al Makalla and Noura Kamal, “Kon Ragolan – Be A Man” by Osama Seif, “Kooly Ya Heloo – Tell Me Sweety” by Mohamed Ganahi, “Sokoun – Silence” by Ammar Al Kohegy, “301” by Mohmoud Al Sheikh, “Akher Qatrat Nift – Last Drop of Petrol” by Mohamed Jassem. and “Hona London – This is London” which is an Emrati-Bahraini film directed by Mahmoud Bu Ali. The festival is taking place in different places in Dubai Festival City between 10 and 16 April.

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