Released photos by Tamer Hosni for his new duet with Snoop Dogg

  • News
  • 02:08 AM - 31 March 2012
  • 2 photos

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On his Facebook and Twitter pages, singer Tamer Hosni released photos of his new video clip for the duet with Snoop Dogg "See El Sayyed"."See El Sayyed" will have two musical distributions; an Arabic version which will be released in the Middle East soon and an English version which will be released with the album.Tamer wrote lyrics and music for the Arabic version and Snoop will be writing the lyrics for the part he is singing. As for the English version, Tamer is cooperating for the first time with international musician “Roy” in writing the lyrics and the music. “Roy” is famous in putting music for many hits by Michael Jackson, Britney Spears and R Kelly.

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