A George Clooney's satellite for the Sudanese crisis!

  • News
  • 01:22 PM - 31 March 2012
  • 1 photo

George Clooney goes way and beyond with his concern about the humanitarian violations in Sudan and it is wide clear he is taking it personal! He has visited the tragic area on the Sudanese south borders several times; he even got arrested protesting in front of the Sudanese embassy in the States, but to finance a private satellite to monitor that area was something out of the ordinary.According to the famous British newspaper "The Observer", Clooney has cooperated with Google to use this satellite monitor the Sudanese army in order to warn the civilians there and register humanitarian violations.The satellite is manned by a small team of volunteers under the leadership of Nathaniel Raymond who stated to "The Observer" that it's been collecting data for 15 months now and is completely financed by Clooney who did not care about the excessive expense in order to save lives there and to pile evidence against the army for a possible case of war crimes. Clooney's satellite has made many human rights organizations consider releasing a similar one to monitor the situation in Syria and record the violations against civilians there which lead to the fall of over 10,000 martyrs in the past twelve months.

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