Gary Ross won't be directing the second part of "The Hunger Games"

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  • 02:42 PM - 7 April 2012
  • 1 photo

No one expected the huge success that "The hunger games" achieved in the past 2 weeks, not even its director Gary Ross. However, it was announced he won't be directing the next two parts of the trilogy.The first part of the triolgy by Suzanne Collins adapted to the silver screen, achieved 250 million dollars, indicating an even bigger success for the next two parts. Even though Gary Ross seemed like a reasonable choice, the producing company is looking for someone else to carry on.Financial issues were mainly the reason why Ross didn't come to an agreement with "Lionsgate", as he was satisfied with the success he achieved so far, and wasn't really looking forward to the other two parts.The company is currently looking for a director to replace Ross to be announced in the next few weeks.The second part is called "Catching fire". Filming for which will start next fall, to be released 22nd of november 2013

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