The Saudi “Oscars” received 65 films so far!

  • News
  • 09:17 AM - 8 April 2012
  • 1 photo

In its first round ever, the Saudi Film Festival has received applications of 65 films to participate in which its committee said it will walk the same path as the Oscars. Closing its doors for entries in the mid of April, the festival has set cash and in-kind awards for the winners as well as certificates of merit for all participants. The Saudi Film Festival will follow the “Oscars” but in a local character with many stars of cinema and art from Saudi and the Arabic World to attend the awards ceremony.The festival is aiming to discover the aspiring cinematic talents in Saudi that are neglected by the public and private sectors. It also targets to build a financial and spiritual support ground for young talents to launch their creativity in order to spread the making of Saudi cinema. The categories of the participations which are open for Saudi’s and residents in the kingdom are for Long Feature Films, Short Feature Films, Documentaries and Animations.

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