Salah El-Sharnooby's kidnapper in prison 4 days pending investigation

  • News
  • 02:04 AM - 11 April 2012
  • 1 photo

District Attorney of Kanater, Ahmed Galal has decided to lock up singer Samar El-Sayed Taha; AKA Haneen; for 4 days pending the investigation of her kidnapping of composer Salah El-Sharnooby.Suspect has been charged of kidnapping with her accomplices and gave a detailed confession, where she stated that she was working as a secretary for singer Sameh Mostafa. Abdel Salam Karam Shama, scrap dealer, asked her to impersonate a singer, so she lured El-Sharnooby out of the studio, then she asked him to compose 2 songs for her and they agreed to meet for rehearsals.She later asked him to drive her home at 2 o'clock in the morning, so he drove her accompanied by the director Omar Abou Zahra. She took him to a deserted area in Marioutya where they were kidnapped by her accomplices, who also beat up both the composer and his friend.She also added that the kidnappers took them to an apartment in Mantay village in Qalyoub, and tried to sexually harass her but she managed to flee.El-Sharnooby was kidnapped by 5 convicts who asked for a 2 million pounds ransom.

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